Hallam Medical donates office equipment and furniture to Mercia Learning Trust schools in Sheffield

Hallam Medical has donated office equipment and furniture to Mercia Learning Trust schools in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

As part of our office move in March, Hallam Medical wanted to ensure the office equipment we had at our old office at City Gate was donated to schools and those who needed it the most.

 The office equipment and furniture we donated to Mercia Learning Trust has replaced the damaged tables and chairs they currently had in the classrooms and meetings rooms, as well as providing lockable cupboards and drawers to help store GDPR documents.

John Gregory, Facilities and Estates Manager at Mercia Learning Trust said,

“The furniture Hallam Medical donated has made a huge difference to the primary schools in particular. Transforming the meeting rooms with table and chairs in brilliant condition that we received. We had wobbly tables and damaged chairs that would have cost thousands to replace. The school budgets are extremely tight with the rising energy costs, and we would not have had the funds to replace these items.

 We also must comply to GDPR guidance, and this means we need lockable cupboards and drawers for staff. Again, the items donated by Hallam Medical means staff can have a lockable unit in their office and no longer need to disturb others in different offices to gain access to documents because of shared secure units. On behalf of everyone at Mercia trust I would like to thank you for your kindness.”

Mercia Learning Trust is a multi-academy trust of six schools which includes three primary and three secondary schools in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

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