IR35 and the Private Sector

How does this affect you?

IR35 is set to hit the Private Sector.

We know you may have a lot of questions about IR35 tax rules and how this affects you.

We want to reassure you that, at Hallam Medical, we always have your best interests at heart and are constantly looking at our preferred suppliers’ list of Umbrella companies to ensure that you are always safe. We will not work with any companies that could potentially put you at risk.

Of course, the easiest way to remain compliant with your tax & National Insurance (NI) obligations is to join the Hallam Medical PAYE payroll solution.

However, if your preference is to work via an umbrella company and you have any questions, queries or concerns, we have a dedicated team of experts who can help and advise you.

If you would like to know more about IR35 and the Private Sector, Umbrella Companies or joining our Hallam Medical PAYE payroll solution do not hesitate to us at 0333 800 0395.


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