The Association of Advanced Practice Educators


We have worked with The Association of Advanced Practice Educators (AAPE UK) for more than seven years.

As the UK’s leading provider of Advanced Practitioners; Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Clinical Practitioners, Emergency Nurse Practitioners and Emergency Care Practitioners to both our NHS client and private healthcare providers, this partnership is vitally important to us.

Working together with this influential organisation:

  • Strengthens our commitment to ensuring all healthcare professionals are educated at an advanced level
  • Helps us to remain at the forefront of best practice
  • Enables us to provide our Clinicians to the latest news to emerge from Advanced Practice
  • Enables us to provide our clients with real and innovative recruitment solutions

Chair of AAPE UK Kathy Haigh and Deputy Chair Anna Jones said:

“The reach of AAPE UK in supporting Advanced Practice Education and Advanced Practitioners on a national and global scale would not be possible without Hallam Medical’s support. We as AAPE UK are extremely proud to work with such a dynamic company who truly understand and appreciate the impact of Advanced Practice in healthcare.”

About The Association of Advanced Practice Educators (AAPE UK)

The Association of Advanced Practice Educators (AAPE UK) represents an influential collaborative network of Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) across the United Kingdom (UK) who are providers of advanced clinical practice programmes of education for interprofessional groups.

The AAPE UK was previously known as the Association of Advanced Nursing Practice Educators UK (AANPE UK). In 2015 the membership elected to change the title to AAPE UK to reflect the evolving educative provision for advanced practice across interprofessional groups.

The AAPE UK is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit association. The mission of the AAPE UK is to coordinate and represent a collaborative network of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Academics and Professionals across the UK who have a common interest in the education, development and advancement of advanced practitioners.

What Our Clients and Clinicians Are Saying

Working together with Hallam Medical enables the profile of AAPE UK as a voluntary organisation to grow across the four countries of the UK. Without their support, it is unlikely that AAPE UK would have reached the level of national influence and international recognition it now has. Their appreciation of the value and importance of engagement with advanced clinical practice beyond purely a contractual service provider focus sets Hallam Medical apart from its counterparts in this field.

Co-opted Member AAPE-UK, Katrina Maclaine
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