His Royal Highness Prince Charles speaks at this year’s QNI annual conference

Hallam HQ stopped for a moment to listen to His Royal Highness, Prince Charles speak on the final day of the Queen’s Nursing Institute’s Annual Conference.

HRH Prince Charles delivered his speech at the opening of the conference and gave his heartfelt Thanks to the Community Nurses attending for everything they have done and continue to do.

He addressed the 400 Queen’s Nurses, watching the final day of this five-day conference from their homes and offices and recognised the leading role Nurses play in improving the health of the nation.

He told delegates that the Royal Family had supported the work of the Queen’s Nursing Institute since it’s origins in 1887, when Queen Victoria gave a grant of £70,000 from the Women’s Jubilee fund. A Royal Charter in 1889 named it Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Institute for Nurses (QVJIN) and gave it the objectives of providing the ‘training, support, maintenance and supply’ of nurses for the sick poor, as well as establishing training homes and branches.

Prince Charles recognised the relentless challenges Community and District Nurses have faced during the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges they continue to face each and every day.

He praised Nurses for the important role they play in providing care for those who need it and those who are in need of ongoing rehabilitation after the prolonged periods of isolation.

You can watch the video of HRH Prince Charles here

Hallam Medical work in partnership with The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) and The Queen’s Nursing Institute’s Community Nursing Executive Network (QNI CNEN) to support and promote the tireless work of Community Nurses, District Nurses and Community Teams and practitioners throughout the country.

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