Supporting Winter Pressures: Hallam Medical and the ‘Re-Direct’ Pilot Scheme from the Emergency Department

As the demand on healthcare services continues to escalate during the winter months, innovative solutions are essential to maintain patient care and ensure efficiency in emergency settings.

At Hallam Medical, we’re proud to have partnered with a client to implement a forward-thinking ‘re-direct’ pilot scheme designed to alleviate winter pressures and improve patient outcomes.

The Challenge

Our client approached us seeking support with delivering locum Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP), Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP), and Emergency Care Practitioners (ECP) who hold Advanced Health Assessment qualifications. The goal was to ensure patients receive timely and appropriate care, minimising unnecessary admissions and reducing strain on emergency departments (ED).

The Solution

Through this pilot scheme, our highly skilled locum Advanced Practitioners worked across key areas, including:

  • Ambulance bays: Assessing and signposting patients directly from ambulances to the appropriate care pathways.
  • ED waiting rooms: Seeing and treating patients promptly to reduce waiting times and redirect those who could be managed elsewhere.
  • Majors areas: Identifying patients suitable for redirection to more appropriate services, ensuring ED resources are reserved for critical cases.

Patients were directed to services such as single points of access, Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC), Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC), Minor Injury Units (MIU), Medical Assessment Units (MAU), Primary Healthcare, Community Services such as District Nursing and Home Visiting Teams or returned to an existing cared for facility with additional support. This approach streamlined the patient journey and supported ED teams in maintaining operational flow.

Why Is This Service Beneficial?

The ‘re-direct’ pilot scheme offers numerous advantages, including:

  • The A&E pit stop approach ensures new arrivals are quickly assessed and routed to the most appropriate care.
  • Patients who can be effectively treated through ambulatory care pathways are transferred to Ambulatory Care Centres for fast-track diagnostics and treatment. This prevents unnecessary admissions, freeing up hospital beds for those in greater need.
  • With clear pathways and a focus on timely intervention, patients receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. This leads to better outcomes and improved patient satisfaction.
  • By utilising the expertise of ANPs, ACPs, and ECPs means critical cases receive the attention they require while others are managed in suitable alternative settings.

At Hallam Medical, we’re committed to supporting our clients with tailored solutions that not only meet immediate needs but also lay the groundwork for sustainable healthcare delivery.

If your healthcare service requires additional support, please contact our team on 0333 800 0395 or email

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