Our Partners

The Queen’s Institute of Community Nursing (QICN)

The QICN is a national, influential charity that campaigns for the best possible nursing care for patients at home and in the community.
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The Association of Advanced Practice Educators (AAPE UK)

AAPE is an influential collaborative network of Higher Education Institutions across the UK who provide of advanced clinical practice programmes of education for interprofessional groups.
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The QICN Community Nurse Executive Network (QNI CNEN)

The QICN CNEN is a network of chief nurses , directors and deputy directors of nursing, or equivalent roles within provider organisations that work in community healthcare.
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The QICN Integrated Care Board Chief Nurse Network (ICB Chief Nurse Network)

The ICB Chief Nurse Network is an exciting new initiative by The Queen’s Institute of Community Nursing and NHS Confederation to support nurse leadership within integrated care systems.
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Urgent Health UK (UHUK)

Urgent Health UK (UHUK) is a network of urgent healthcare social enterprise providers serving two-thirds of the UK population.
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What Our Clients and Clinicians Are Saying

The reach of AAPE UK in supporting Advanced Practice Education and Advanced Practitioners on a national and global scale would not be possible without Hallam Medical’s support. We as AAPE UK are extremely proud to work with such a dynamic company who truly understand and appreciate the impact of Advanced Practice in healthcare.

Chair of AAPE UK, Anna Jones

We work with nurses, educators, researchers and policy makers to ensure that high-quality nursing care in the community and primary care is available for everyone, where and when they need it. I am delighted with the relationship we have developed over many years with Hallam Medical. This new partnership agreement with Hallam Medical helps us to raise the profile and voice of nurses working in community and primary care settings and to highlight the value that these nursing services bring to individuals, families, carers, and communities – and indeed the whole health and social care system.

Dr Crystal Oldman CBE - Chief Executive of The Queen’s Nursing Institute

“This exciting partnership between the QNI and the NHS Confederation offers all ICB Chief Nurses the opportunity to share their experiences as they develop their wider leadership role. The wide range of size and demography of each ICS means these Chief Nurse roles require very different skills and I am so very grateful to our sponsors, Hallam Medical, who have enabled us to establish such an important collaborative network.”

Louise Patten - Strategic Advisor from NHS confederation

The Queen’s Nursing Institute is delighted to be working with Hallam Medical. As a professional nursing charity with a long and prestigious history, it is important to us to develop partnerships with other organisations that take the long term view and understand the value of investing in continuing education. Working with Hallam Medical, the QNI is able to support more nurses in their learning, leadership and professional development.

Matthew Bradby - Head of Communications at the QNI

“Our partnership agreement with Hallam Medical helps us to raise the profile and voice of nurses working in the community and primary care settings. The support that Hallam Medical gives to the QNI enables us to bring significant benefits to community nurses, through the support for our professional networks and for our annual conference. It is thanks to this durable partnership with Hallam that we are able to work sustainably and provide the information and other resources that nurses need in their challenging roles. In turn this helps them and their organisations to deliver excellent healthcare to individuals, families, and communities as a whole.”

Dr Crystal Oldman CBE - Chief Executive of the QICN

Working together with Hallam Medical enables the profile of AAPE UK as a voluntary organisation to grow across the four countries of the UK. Without their support, it is unlikely that AAPE UK would have reached the level of national influence and international recognition it now has. Their appreciation of the value and importance of engagement with advanced clinical practice beyond purely a contractual service provider focus sets Hallam Medical apart from its counterparts in this field.

Co-opted Member AAPE-UK, Katrina Maclaine

Hallam Medical are invaluable partners for the QNI's Community Nurse Executive Network. Their ongoing support enables community nurse leaders in health and social care to share knowledge and experience at a strategic level, leading to real benefits across the healthcare system.

Helen Mehra - QNI Council Member and The Chair of QNI CNEN
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